Sorry, it has been so long since I updated or posted. Things have been crazy around here. Sienna recently turned 1! At her 12 mo well child appt. she weighed 20 lbs 5 oz and was 30 in long. The ped says she's long and thin. Her head circumference was in the 30%, length is 80% and weight was about 40%, I think. Jordan also had his 3 yr well child appt. He was 33 lbs and 36 in. Not sure if they measured/weighed him correctly though. Long story. LOL. They both have ear infections in one ear. Sienna has had hers for almost a month now. They had to switch meds. Hope this one works. She now has 7 teeth. Eats everything. Is a happy go lucky baby. She is definitely a blessing in our lives. My dh bought his twin brother's truck so I don't have to get up at 4 am to take him to work anymore. So glad for that. I am currently looking for a job so we can move. Anyway, here's a picture of Sienna on her bday. Don't mind the mess in the background, it's Jordan's snack.